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POD book publishing for professional writers

The Power of Character
by Michael S. Josephson and Wes Hanson

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The Josephson Institute of Ethics and Unlimited Publishing LLC are proud to co-publish a new edition of The Power of Character, an exceptional collection of essays about character from 41 of the country's most distinguished, interesting and accomplished citizens.

Contributors include: Harvard's Alan M. Dershowitz; Daniel Goleman, whose training as a journalist and psychologist powered his Emotional Intelligence to the top of the best seller lists; CBS's Dan Rather; no-nonsense radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger; spiritual leader Marianne Williamson ...and many more prominent Americans sharing fascinating insights about the role of character in community, work and family life.

The updated edition includes a new introduction to the CHARACTER COUNTS! Initiative and current biographies of contributors.


Michael S. Josephson is the founder and president of the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics and of the CHARACTERCOUNTS! education movement and its companion sportsmanship campaign, Pursuing Victory With Honor. One of the nation’s most sought-after ethicists, he consults with Fortune 100 companies and top government agencies and hosts a daily radio program from Los Angeles. Wes Hanson is vice president and director of publications and communications at the Josephson Institute. A professional writer and editor, he is the creator of numerous electronic and print publications, curricular materials and products.

This fine book is available for readers to order from all leading booksellers, or from the CHARACTER COUNTS! COALITION. Bookstores may place wholesale orders with Ingram or Baker and Taylor.
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