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CHILDREN FROM THE HILLS: The Life and Work of Ada Walter Shulz
by Rachel Berenson Perry

About the Book:

The first published biography of noted Indiana painter Ada Walter Shulz demonstrates the scholarly insight of Rachel Berenson Perry, curator emeritus of the Indiana State Museum.

The paintings of Ada Walter Shulz (1870-1928) are enjoying renewed interest from art collectors throughout the United States in recent years. Paintings by Ada Shulz have sold well at major auctions in Boston, New York, and Chicago.

Mrs. Shulz lived and painted in Brown County, Indiana, for 20 years. Among predominantly landscape artists, she alone concentrated on genre paintings of children playing in sunlight, rural mothers carrying babies, and youngsters with their barnyard pets. This quality book features thoughtful analysis of Shulz' life and works by Rachel Berenson Perry, an introduction by Martin Krause of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, plus a chronology of the artist’s life, appendix of public exhibitions, and an extensive bibliography for the serious collector, art historian, student or researcher.

About Rachel Berenson Perry:

In addition to her distinguished work on this book, Ms. Perry has also written the introduction to The Artists of Brown County by Lyn Letsinger-Miller (Indiana University Press, 1994), as well as articles for the Indiana Historical Society's Traces Magazine, and The American Art Review. Her books include Heritage of Place: Painting Indiana III (Indiana University Press, 2013), Paint and Canvas: A Biography of T. C. Steele (Indiana Historical Society Press, 2012), and T. C. Steele and the Society of Western Artists (Indiana University Press, 2009).

For the US trade paperback edition, please click HERE to order directly from Amazon's printer.

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UK and EU readers may order the paperback from Amazon with manufacturing in Europe for faster delivery and lower shipping charges than books printed in the US, then shipped overseas. Please visit Amazon for details.

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