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Altered Perceptions: Addressing the Real Water Crises
by West Marrin


West Marrin, Ph.D., author of UNIVERSAL WATER and many papers for scholarly and scientific journals, addresses various water crises by analyzing perceptions of water in the postmodern Western world. He argues that, although we are understandably eager to solve our water problems, we are unlikely to do so while holding essentially the same views of water that contributed to the creation of such problems. The insights of this book can help inform decision-making processes regarding water in a more fundamental way than new technologies, policies, or financial schemes can offer.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Marrin is a scientist, naturalist, and educator whose current activities include lecturing, teaching, and writing about water with the goal of expanding people's knowledge and awareness of its universal functions. He also consults with corporations, institutes, and nonprofits on projects involving the protection and restoration of water quality.

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