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POD book publishing for professional writers

by Gene Barton


In the spirit of legal thrillers by John Grisham, this is the story of the battle between the world�s two largest beverage companies, Consolidated Beverages and Lake, over a revolutionary new energy drink. The competition between the two rival companies has always been intense but finds new highs and lows in the course of the book. BEVERAGE WARS traces the journey of Patrick Lyons, a colorful entrepreneur, as he fights to establish Quercetin as the basis for the next generation of energy drinks and desperately tries to keep his dark past from catching up with him. The fast paced novel takes place in exotic locations ranging from Rio to Cap Ferret. The characters include corporate stiffs straight out of central casting, ruthless gangsters and the �uber cougar.� BEVERAGE WARS is a first-hand look into the thin line between winning and losing in cut throat corporate America.


Gene T. Barton, Jr. is a partner in the corporate and securities group of a prominent national law firm. He has practiced for more than 25 years. Barton holds B.A. and J.D. degrees from Boston University. He also studied at the London School of Economics. He lives with his wife Patrice and four children in western Massachusetts. He is an active member of the Longwood Cricket Club where he is an avid tennis player.

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POD book publishing for professional writers

by Gene Barton


This is the story of Robert Sterling, a partner in the old line Boston law firm of Goodman, Grey and Stewart. The story begins as Sterling is working on the initial public offering of his client, an Internet security firm. Sterling is abruptly interrupted by FBI agents, who hand him grand jury subpoenas seeking information about and its principal financier, Larry Brown. Brown is a ruthless tycoon and libertine. The agents warn Sterling that Brown is dangerous, and caution that Sterling too is on the verge of criminal indictment in connection with the investigation. It unfolds that Brown is a money launderer for organized crime. After a series of cunning legal maneuvers, hacking of secret government computer networks, and clandestine meetings at offshore banking havens, Sterling eventually escapes indictment by the feds� but as he leaves his office to celebrate with his family, he is murdered by the mob. In the end, Sterling's murder is avenged, but only after the lives of many are forever changed.

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